Monday, March 28, 2016

Hillary's Horoscope: Sun Sign

Welcome to "Presidential Destiny," a blog about fate, signs, omens, and politics.

Basically, this blog is inspired by the fact that many of our Presidents -- and many great leaders of world history, for that matter -- have had mysterious and intense beliefs in their own destiny to lead.  We will look at everything from astrology to history to psychology to wherever our path leads us as we explore the eerie intersection of fate, free will, and leadership.

Up first is an astrological horoscope of Hillary Clinton.  I am not a professional astrologer -- merely an amateur -- and I am agnostic but open minded as to its predictive power, so I will be using help (in this case, Cafe Astrology's natal horoscope chart, which I will be quoting from).  We are going to take a look at Hillary's birth stars and see how the reading matches what we know, or think we know, about her character and life so far.

Now, the key for a real horoscope is to know the date, place, and MINUTE of birth.  Many people keep their minute of birth secret, as a very good astrologer could use that information against them  (in Roman times, astrologers would often tell Emperors their exact date, and even time and method, of death -- and were very often correct).  In this case, we have Hillary on record from early in her political career saying she was born within several minutes of 8am on October 26th, 1947.  As such, I cast two horoscopes: one for 7:50am, which one astrologer claimed was the most accurate reading, and one for 8:02am, a time that was given by Hillary on another occasion.  The differences are small, and will be noted when they come up.

So, let us begin!  Basically, this horoscope will tell us where the sun, moon, and planets were located in a snapshot of the heavens at the moment of Hillary's birth, both their "houses"  (one of twelve) and sign of the zodiac.  Meanings of the houses and the signs (and also angular relationships between the spheres) will be explained as we go along.  Each post will tackle a given portion of her horoscope, and compare it to her life and character.  So, here we go, an analysis of Hillary's Sun sign, after the jump: